Learning to Lament

Where can we turn when the dark clouds of pain, suffering, and loss roll into our lives? Even for believers, times of difficulty can bring discouragement and despair and it can be hard to know how to respond in faith in the midst of frustration or heartbreak.

Thankfully, the Bible gives us a clear means of dealing with our trials: the practice of lament. As our guest defines it, to lament is to turn to God in honest, desperate prayer, giving voice to the reality of our emotions—as intense and tumultuous as they may be. Ultimately, lament is an expression of faith in the God who hears our cries and responds with mercy and grace.

Our guest pastor Mark Vroegop draws on examples from the Bible and his own story of loss to walk us through steps of lament (Turn, Complain, Ask, and Trust). Learn more about the importance of lament from the author of Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament.




How to Lament