How to Lament Abortion

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, (January 22, 2020) I participated in the Indiana March for Life rally.

Several hundred participants gathered near the steps of the State Capitol on a bitterly cold day. We voiced our collective opposition to abortion in our city, state, and nation. Our physical presence demonstrated our desire for change. A wide array of speakers offered comments and prayers.

Soon a small group of counter-protestors arrived. They hoisted Pro-Choice signs and chanted loudly.

As police officers monitored the environment, I offered a prayer. Over the shouts of opposing protestors, I lamented:

How long, O Lord?

You know every human being by name. You know the hairs on each of our heads. You know each child who was aborted. They are not statistics to you. They individually bear your image.

Lord, today we lament the millions of children who were never born. We lament the shedding of innocent blood in our land. We mourn over the trafficking of convenience, expediency, and political posturing that lies underneath this grievous issue. We grieve that the killing of innocent children has become too common, hiding behind language like “pro-choice.” We lament the toleration of what should be intolerable. We lament the justification for what should be unjustifiable.

But even more, Lord, we lament the brokenness in our culture that fathers and mothers feel they have no hope and no option apart from the ending of a pregnancy. We grieve with those who now look back on their lives with regret – grant them mercy and grace today.

O Sovereign Lord, Creator of life – we call upon you to change the spirit of this age. We pray that mothers and fathers would choose LIFE! We pray for wisdom and skill for those in elected office to advocate for the voiceless in the womb. And we pray for your blessing upon those who serve in pro-life centers around our state – that they would be filled with your Spirit to winsomely lead pregnant women to choose LIFE.

Oh Jesus, this issue is just one example of the deep brokenness that is in our world because of our collective rebellion. We ask you to come, to change the hearts of people by your transforming forgiveness. Lord, we ask not just for the ending of abortion, we pray that your kingdom would come and your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.

And we pray this is Jesus mighty name – AMEN.

The March for Life was a chaotic scene – a small taste of the division and brokenness in our country. But even more, it was a reminder of the multi-layered and tragic effects of abortion in our country.

I came to lament. I left lamenting.

How long, O Lord!


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